24/7 Emergency Response

Job Summary:
- Looking for team members who are familiar with the Oil and Gas Industry and are comfortable with explaining and educating workers of the hazards associated with working around H2S
- Willing and able to participate in site safety meetings and the planning of a rescue in the case of an H2S event
- Knowledge of setting up and using gas detection equipment and cascade systems, along with competence in the donning and doffing of both SCBA’s (Self Contained Breathing Apparatus) and SABA’s (Supplied Air Breathing Apparatus)
- Experience with hauling trailers

Job Summary:
- Looking for team members who are familiar and experienced with the Oil and Gas Industry
- Experienced in safely working with the hazards related to flammable products as it relates to fire protection
- Willing and able to participate in and conduct site safety meetings and the planning of fire suppression in case of an event
- Able to provide and assist in standby fire protection for Frac and Completion Operations in the Oil and Gas Industry